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Codegato DataSource Updater for Crystal Reports

This tool is a huge time saver when you need to mass change Crystal reports connections. You can change database conections for few hundred reports in about a hour*. The tool can change the datasources for all reports in a folder and supports multiple connections per report. Please test it before to purchase and make sure the tool works fine with your reports.

Crystal reports may origin from different versions and may have different upgrade paths. Reports initially developed in Crystal reports 8 and later upgraded to Crystal reports 2016 may have different structure than reports created directly in Crystal 2016. RT Crystal DataSource updater provides different options for connection update. You can choose to completely rebuild the connection from scratch or to refresh it and update the connection attributes like server,database, user and password.

Versions 3.0 and above support also TLS 1.2 drivers. The latest PCI compliance standards require that TLS 1.2 to be used after June 30, 2018

Verify database is supported for all connection types.

Regular price is $299. The tool is free for customers with RT Scheduler Pro license. It is not necessary to buy the tool if you have just few reports to process. Not registered version is fully functional except it is restricted to one report per run . So if you have a report with 20 subreports, place it in a folder alone and run the tool. The report will be processed in seconds and you will save 20 boring minutes.

We have a few customers who reported that they successfully used this tool on reports, which were taking too much time to load. Similar scenario is described in experts-exchange question: ReportDocument take a long time to load
If you have a case like that please let us know.

The tool is useful when:
  • database was moved to a new server
  • a database server was retired and a new database server was added to the network
  • database name was changed
  • database type was changed ( for example Access database was upgraded to SQLServer)
  • crystal report's connection info was corrupted and takes too much time to open the report
  • you want to switch from ODBC to OLE DB connection or vice versa
  • you want to verify database for multiple reports

Sample uses

  • Find all reports in a folder, which are using a specific connection and replace it with another connection.
  • Scan a folder with subfolders, choose some reports and update all or part of the existing connections with new connections.


How to use RT Crystal DataSource Updater

Training Videos

*Depends on the reports' size, number of connections per reports, connection type